
Connect SendGrid to 130+ cloud tools

Integrate SendGrid with 130+ other marketing and sales applications and automate any workflow across multiple tools. No coding needed!

  • Integrate SendGrid with 130+ tools
  • Easily automate all your workflows
  • Hyper-scalable execution
  • No coding needed

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joint-value-icon Created with Sketch.

Easily connect SendGrid to 130+ cloud applications

Connect SendGrid to your CRM, marketing automation platform, project management tool, event management platform, helpdesks and even machine learning applications.


Connect SendGrid to your CRM, marketing automation platform, project management
tool, event management platform, helpdesks and even machine learning applications.

Use Data Blend Editor to integrate SendGrid with other tools. Drag-and-drop action
blocks and add your business logic to, e.g. automatically trigger email campaigns based
on specific data in CRM.

Connect your cloud tools with SendGrid for data synchronization, triggering hyper-
personalized campaigns based on machine learning predictions, enriching your contacts’
data and much more.

Need a specific tool to integrate with SendGrid? Just let us know and we will add it to within a couple of days. We can also build the automation workflow for you.


Connect SendGrid to 130+ apps

Take a look at all integrations. Did not find the tool you want to integrate with
SendGrid? Let us know!